2023 UX Research, Information Architecture
Conforama is a store specialized in furniture, appliances, kitchens and decoration present in 8 countries (including Spain). Given that positioning, logistics costs and product availability vary from one country to another, users prefer to go to the physical store to resolve their doubts rather than visiting the website.
Turn into the users’ favorite store, their first choice.
I worked hand in hand with the Product Designer to redesign the architecture and focus the navigation concept based on the users’ real concerns.
My role
I analyzed the data resulting from the interviews conducted by the team, and also from the reports sent by the client. Three archetypes emerged from the data dump based on their family situation, since the home is the main setting for Conforama. In the process, these People searched for different products (“Sofa”, “Offers”, “Kitchen”…), but in the background I added the real need underlying their search (“I want to see offers because at this moment it is worth it to me purchase products that have good quality-price.
By observing user behavior, I focused the proposal on “what do you think about when you search for something in Conforama”, that is, what do you usually ask in the physical store to be taken directly to your objective. The benchmark made it clear where most users buy furniture: IKEA. Therefore, adapting the navigation to this reference would speed up the search.
Once the proposals were agreed upon in Design, they were passed on to Development to verify their feasibility. No success comes on the first try, which is why we rely on phased iterations. That means documentation, documentation, and… more documentation.
Process (2/3)
Of the 13 options that were on, I proposed showing 7 on a first level. I negotiated this solution with Conforama by exposing an analogy: let’s imagine a supermarket with all its products located on the shelves… but also on the ceiling, on the floor and in all the places where a customer could look. The distribution by aisles with “product types” is intended not to overwhelm the user, but to make it easier for them to search. The same happens in an eCommerce.
(1) Life moments definition
“Styles for all tastes” became “Styles for all moments of your life”. We focused on vital purchasing moments above categories, offering an inspirational space for any user. Product categorization no longer responded exclusively to offers and discounts.
(2) Highlight services
We strengthen assisted sales through the web and enhance the facilities that Conforama offers through its “Click&…” services. The online store thus becomes another tool for advice and facilitating processes.
(3) Barhains and quality
The perception of Conforama as a guarantee of quality and price also matched their purchasing moments. Grouping promotions, offers and other types of discounts into “Best prices” improves brand perception: the fact that you have recurring promotions does not devalue your product.
✺ How to negotiate design decisions with Business without losing sight of their requirements.
✺ Simplify informations labyrinths by working hand to hand with SEO and Dev teams.
✺ Differentiate a sofa from an armchair, a divan, a chaise longue, a corner sofa…
Own learnings