Another way of doing
2021 Creative concept, AR experience design
Sociedad Anónima Damm is a spanish brewing company headquartered in Barcelona. Its main business activity centres on beer production, though it also produces other beverages, such as soft drinks and bottled mineral water.
The project was developed as a way to communicate that from 1 February 2021, Estrella Damm had replaced plastic in its can packs with cardboard sourced from sustainable and responsibly managed forests (check their brand video below; source Estrella Damm’s YouTube).
I handled both the creative concept of the experience and the art direction. After that, I conducted UX research to understand the real potential and technical limitations for designing an AR experience. Finally, I designed the UI for the experience.
My role
We wanted to convey the factory concept in the cleanest and most gamified way possible. I started collecting references from various visual artists on Pinterest and Behance to sketch out a mood board. I was looking for micro-worlds and mechanical and industrial processes, all grounded in craft aesthetics.
The process to follow on the Onirix platform required some preliminary steps before the experience, which could potentially discourage users. To prevent drop-offs, we gamified the waiting time with messages and interactions.
Once the proposals were agreed upon in Design, they were passed on to Development to verify their feasibility. No success comes on the first try, which is why we rely on phased iterations. That means documentation, documentation, and… more documentation.
Process (2/3)
Interaction is key to success in AR experiences, which is why I based the script on discovering certain messages within that micro-world. The feeling of ‘unlocking’ was gratifying and simulated the chain reaction that sustainable management entails.
Once the proposals were agreed upon in Design, they were passed on to Development to verify their feasibility. No success comes on the first try, which is why we rely on phased iterations. That means documentation, documentation, and… more documentation.
Process (3/3)
(1) New ways of experience
Augmented Reality experiences are a combination of technique and creativity. With NowAR, we designed a new advertising format, key for building awareness and engagement.
(2) Endless possibilities
With this format, you can do anything you want: view product details without having it in front of you, promote a campaign and play with the concept, bring inanimate objects to life, highlight product features, take a virtual tour of real or imaginary places, earn discounts by unlocking levels… The only limit is the briefing.
✺ The UX offers many possibilities beyond a website.
✺ Playing isn’t just for children.
Own learnings